
Event - Copy

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  The user selected some entries in a lister and then hit the copy button. 
  1        when event = 'Copy' then do 
  2          lister query handle selentries 
  3          allents = result 
  4          call getall 
  5          if handle = thishandle then do 
  6            otherhandle = user 
  7            call arcextract 
  8            end 
  9          else do 
 10            otherhandle = handle 
 11            handle = user 
 12            call arcadd 
 13            end 
 14          end 
 1      It's a Copy event so let's do it. 
 2 - 4  We ask for a list of all selected entries storing the result in 
        allents, then call the  getall  routine to separate the list into 
        separate names and types. 
 5 - 8  If the handle given in the packet matches the handle for our ArcDir 
        lister, then we are copying from the ArcDir lister to the other one, 
        (extracting entries from the archive), so we set otherhandle to the 
        handle for the other lister and call the  arcextract  routine. 
 9 - 13 Otherwise, we're copying to the ArcDir lister, (adding entries to the 
        archive), so we make otherhandle equal to the other lister's 
        handle, handle equal to the ArcDir handle and call the  arcadd  
14      End of the When loop. 

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